Principal's Message

Principal's Message

At Bow Valley High School, we strive to build connections based on mutual respect and empathy, through which staff, students, and families can build resiliency, growth, achieve meaningful learning and success.   

We believe that challenges are to be faced with bravery and when we need support…we seek out the people in the building, whether adults or peers, to help with care and compassion.  Our staff (teachers and support staff) along with our Student Support Teams work in collaboration with RVS Divisional Supports to ensure that students receive supports to build success.

As we begin a multi-year school expansion project, our ability to adjust and adapt with changes will be the key to ensure this year is a success for students, staff and families.  We are tremendously excited for our new facility which will give us the ability to offer an even higher quality education to our students.  With this new and improved facility and our focus on career learning and career experiences, we are excited for the future of Bow Valley High School.

We look forward to partnering with families to bring all students at BVHS success this school year.

BVHS Admin Team 

Shane Dempster
Principal, Bow Valley High School
Rocky View School Division
(403) 932-9005
Contact Us

Kathleen Elliott
Assistant Principal, Bow Valley High School
Rocky View School Division
(403) 932-9005
Contact Us


Coleman Massey 
Assistant Principal, Bow Valley High School
Rocky View School Division
(403) 932-9005
Contact Us

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.